Movie Poster
This poster was my final design for digital imaging, a class where I learned all about Adobe Photoshop. My capstone project, (shown below), put all my skills about image editing and customizing to the test.
While the assignment was to design a movie poster for a fictional client, this design could be used to promote more than just a movie. With some changes to the text, the picture could just as easily be a book cover and many reviewers have even described it as looking like a video game.
To make this project, I gathered all of my own images, including a background, deer, toy dinosaur, blanket and myself. The design was based on an official movie poster for Jurassic Park as chosen from three possibilities. Like the word play design, I prepared myself by doing Photoshop tutorials before moving on to the official project.
To make the poster, I started with capturing an image of a park near my house for the background then used an image of myself for the main subject, a hunting Polaris for the vehicle, and a toy T. rex for the dinosaur. Other details included a camouflage blanket and deer shoulder mount. The final design at the time of completion came out with positive reviews, but it wasn't until two years later that I finally made the finishing refinements on behalf of review from professionals.
Step 1: Planning
Step 1: Planning
Step 2: Gather Images
Step 2: Gather Images
Step 2: Build the Scene
Step 2: Build the Scene
Step 3: Add Text
Step 3: Add Text
Step 4: Merge the Text Together
Step 4: Merge the Text Together
Step 5: Delete Unnecessary Details
Step 5: Delete Unnecessary Details
The movie poster was overall easy to make since I was more experienced in Photoshop prior to beginning it, though I had some trouble masking out the vehicle's background. I was also required to document which tools I used where as part of the assignment. This slowed me down, but I knew it was necessary. 
To speed up the process of cutting the vehicle from its original background, I switched from the paintbrush tool to the magic wand tool, even though it was the first tool I used and didn't work well. However, the second time made image masking a breeze.
"This reminds me of the Jurassic Park game at the arcade."
"I like the dinosaur's deer antlers."
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